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If one of your resolutions for 2022 is to be healthier, then don’t forget to get your preventative medical screenings and exams. Many screenings, like those for cancer, can help detect or even prevent diseases, making them easier to treat. Check out the following lists to find out what screenings are recommended for you.

There are a few things everyone should do, including:

  • Getting a flu shot every year.
  • Tetanus booster (or TDAP) every 10 years.
  • Regularly talk to your doctor about your diet, exercise, and sleep habits, along with smoking, alcohol consumption, and any substance-use habits.

Women in their 20s and 30s

  • Yearly screening for STDs, as long as you have new or multiple sex partners.
  • Review contraceptive choices with your medical provider.
  • Get a pap smear every 3 years if over 25.

Women in their 40s and 50s

  • Continue screenings from 20s and 30s, if applicable.
  • Shingles vaccine at age 50.
  • Talk to your doctor about breast cancer screenings at age 40. Most women can wait until 50 to start regular mammograms, but women with risk factors may need to be screened earlier.
  • At age 50, talk to your doctor about colon cancer screening.
  • Regularly check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar with your doctor.

Women over 60

  • Two pneumonia vaccines starting at 65.
  • Have a bone density test at age 65.
  • Continue other screenings as recommended by your care provider.

Men in their 20s and 30s

  • Yearly screening for STDs, as long as you have new or multiple sex partners.

Men in their 40s and 50s

  • Continue screenings from 20s and 30s if applicable.
  • Shingles vaccine at age 50.
  • At 45 talk to your doctor about colon cancer and prostate cancer screenings and which tests may be right for you.
  • Regularly check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar with your doctor.

Men over 60

Two pneumonia vaccines starting at 65.

Continue other screenings as recommended by your care provider.

Still not sure what screenings you may need? Call your healthcare provider here at Horizon Family Medical Group (1-800-859-0085) to find out what preventative care you need to make 2022 the healthiest it can be.