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Horizon Family Medical Group Newsletters

from Horizon Family Medical Group

Volume 9, Issue 7

New: Book Appointments Online!

New: Book Appointments Online!

We have great news: Horizon Family Medical Group has introduced a new appointment scheduling feature for enhanced patient convenience. Now you can book your appointments online! To schedule an appointment, visit our website and click on the "Schedule an appointment"...

July Is Healthy Vision Month

July Is Healthy Vision Month

July is Healthy Vision Month, an important time to focus on maintaining and improving eye health. At Horizon Family Medical Group, we emphasize the significance of early detection in treating vision conditions. Regular eye exams are crucial, especially for individuals...

Sun Safety: Understanding SPF

Sun Safety: Understanding SPF

As summer temperatures continue to spike, it's vital to prioritize sun safety. Understanding the differences between SPF numbers is a key part of protecting your skin. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, measures a sunscreen's ability to protect against UVB rays. Higher...

Volume 9, Issue 6

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. With over 50 million people worldwide living with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia, it’s crucial to understand the...

Farm Fresh: Local Businesses and Healthy Eating

Farm Fresh: Local Businesses and Healthy Eating

At Horizon Family Medical Group, we believe that healthy eating starts with fresh, nutritious ingredients. One of the best ways to ensure you’re getting the best quality produce and meats is by sourcing them locally. Not only does this support your health, but it also...

Benefits of No-Impact Stretching

Benefits of No-Impact Stretching

Starting your day with a gentle stretching routine can set the tone for a healthier, more active lifestyle. At Horizon Family Medical Group, we recommend incorporating no-impact stretching into your morning routine to help activate your body, prevent injuries, and...

Volume 9, Issue 5

Unlocking the Power of Low-Impact Exercises

Unlocking the Power of Low-Impact Exercises

You may not think "low-impact exercise" can really make a difference in your overall health and well-being, but don’t be fooled. From building and maintaining mobility to aiding in weight control and managing various health conditions like high blood pressure, these...

60 Seconds to Better Blood Sugar

60 Seconds to Better Blood Sugar

In the race to manage blood sugar levels effectively, recent research has unveiled a surprising contender: the 60-second walk. Studies have revealed that taking a short stroll for as little as two minutes following each meal can wield a remarkable influence on blood...

Sunscreen Year-Round

Sunscreen Year-Round

We often think about apply sunscreen at the beach or during a day outside, but the truth is, the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun persist year-round, regardless of weather conditions or outdoor activities. Making sunscreen a daily essential is...

Volume 9, Issue 4

Embracing Healthier Habits for Sunnier Days

Embracing Healthier Habits for Sunnier Days

Can you believe spring is finally here?! Time to shed our winter coats and embrace the great outdoors. And what better time to revitalize our health and wellness routines than now? As we eagerly welcome the warmer weather, it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle our...

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

April marks Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time to shed light on a disease that affects thousands of men each year. While discussions about health screenings and checkups can sometimes take a back seat in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's...

Volume 9, Issue 3

Early Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Early Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Colorectal cancer is “the second most common cause of cancer deaths” worldwide, but early detection through screening can significantly improve outcomes. While screenings have traditionally been recommended starting at age 50, recent years have seen a shift in...

The Vital Role of Diet in Preventative Care

The Vital Role of Diet in Preventative Care

What we put into our bodies matters profoundly, not just in terms of weight management, but also in the prevention of numerous diseases and the promotion of overall well-being. The food we eat serves as the fuel for our bodies, providing the essential nutrients needed...

What Affects My Blood Sugar?

What Affects My Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar, also known as glucose, is a critical component of our body's fuel system. It provides the energy necessary for all bodily functions, from breathing to walking to thinking. However, maintaining blood sugar levels within a healthy range is essential for...

Volume 9, Issue 6

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. With over 50 million people worldwide living with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia, it’s crucial to understand the...

Farm Fresh: Local Businesses and Healthy Eating

Farm Fresh: Local Businesses and Healthy Eating

At Horizon Family Medical Group, we believe that healthy eating starts with fresh, nutritious ingredients. One of the best ways to ensure you’re getting the best quality produce and meats is by sourcing them locally. Not only does this support your health, but it also...

Benefits of No-Impact Stretching

Benefits of No-Impact Stretching

Starting your day with a gentle stretching routine can set the tone for a healthier, more active lifestyle. At Horizon Family Medical Group, we recommend incorporating no-impact stretching into your morning routine to help activate your body, prevent injuries, and...

Volume 9, Issue 5

Unlocking the Power of Low-Impact Exercises

Unlocking the Power of Low-Impact Exercises

You may not think "low-impact exercise" can really make a difference in your overall health and well-being, but don’t be fooled. From building and maintaining mobility to aiding in weight control and managing various health conditions like high blood pressure, these...

60 Seconds to Better Blood Sugar

60 Seconds to Better Blood Sugar

In the race to manage blood sugar levels effectively, recent research has unveiled a surprising contender: the 60-second walk. Studies have revealed that taking a short stroll for as little as two minutes following each meal can wield a remarkable influence on blood...

Sunscreen Year-Round

Sunscreen Year-Round

We often think about apply sunscreen at the beach or during a day outside, but the truth is, the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun persist year-round, regardless of weather conditions or outdoor activities. Making sunscreen a daily essential is...

Volume 9, Issue 4

Embracing Healthier Habits for Sunnier Days

Embracing Healthier Habits for Sunnier Days

Can you believe spring is finally here?! Time to shed our winter coats and embrace the great outdoors. And what better time to revitalize our health and wellness routines than now? As we eagerly welcome the warmer weather, it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle our...

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

April marks Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time to shed light on a disease that affects thousands of men each year. While discussions about health screenings and checkups can sometimes take a back seat in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's...

Volume 9, Issue 3

Early Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Early Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Colorectal cancer is “the second most common cause of cancer deaths” worldwide, but early detection through screening can significantly improve outcomes. While screenings have traditionally been recommended starting at age 50, recent years have seen a shift in...

The Vital Role of Diet in Preventative Care

The Vital Role of Diet in Preventative Care

What we put into our bodies matters profoundly, not just in terms of weight management, but also in the prevention of numerous diseases and the promotion of overall well-being. The food we eat serves as the fuel for our bodies, providing the essential nutrients needed...

What Affects My Blood Sugar?

What Affects My Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar, also known as glucose, is a critical component of our body's fuel system. It provides the energy necessary for all bodily functions, from breathing to walking to thinking. However, maintaining blood sugar levels within a healthy range is essential for...

Volume 9, Issue 2

Remember to Wash Your Reusables

Remember to Wash Your Reusables

We live in an era where recycling and reuse matters more than ever. And many of us are striving to do our part by using reusable products, like travel cups and thermoses, for example. Doing so offers eco-conscious consumers an environmentally friendly alternative to...

Volume 9, Issue 1

Resolutions That Last

Resolutions That Last

As we usher in the new year, many of us embark on a journey to set resolutions aimed at improving our health and well-being. Whether it's the commitment to quit smoking or vaping, manage weight effectively, or simply enhance overall health through routine checkups,...

Save Lives During National Blood Donor Month

Save Lives During National Blood Donor Month

As we celebrate National Blood Donor Month, it's a perfect time to reflect on the vital impact that blood donation has on countless lives. Blood donation supports the ongoing need for various medical treatments, surgeries, and emergencies. For individuals with rarer...

Remember Your Winter Greens

Remember Your Winter Greens

As it gets colder, the old allure of comfort foods becomes almost irresistible. Warm, hearty meals are a natural response to the chilly weather, but remember to include a diet of vibrant greens. Incorporating a diverse range of vegetables and fruits into your winter...

Volume 8, Issue 12

A Feast for Your Well-being

A Feast for Your Well-being

As the festive season arrives, we have a wonderful opportunity to prioritize our well-being and celebrate the holidays in a healthy way. This year, let's shift our focus to healthy eating and embrace the spirit of a nourishing holiday season. The holiday season often...

Getting the Right Amount of Water

Getting the Right Amount of Water

The importance of adequate hydration cannot be overstated, yet questions linger: Are we getting enough water, or could we be overdoing it? And what types of hydration are truly beneficial for our health? Let's dive into the sea of healthy hydration and explore the...

Navigating Seasonal Blues

Navigating Seasonal Blues

As the seasons change, some individuals find themselves grappling with a phenomenon known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), commonly referred to as seasonal depression. This condition typically occurs in the fall and winter months and can cast a shadow over one's...

Volume 8, Issue 11

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

As we observe Lung Cancer Awareness Month this November, it's crucial to understand the gravity of this disease and the importance of early detection. The Silent Killer: Lung Cancer in Numbers Lung cancer is a pervasive and insidious disease that claims more lives...

The Importance of Diabetic Eye Exams

The Importance of Diabetic Eye Exams

Living with diabetes brings its own set of challenges, and among them is the potential for vision loss, a silent and devastating consequence that can significantly impact the quality of life. As we navigate the complexities of managing diabetes, regular diabetic eye...

Fall Into Healthy Habits

Fall Into Healthy Habits

As the crisp autumn air sets in, it's not uncommon for our fitness routines to cool down with the temperatures. However, the change in season doesn't have to signal a retreat from healthy habits. Embracing the fall season is an opportunity to recalibrate our fitness...

Volume 8, Issue 10

Prioritize National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Prioritize National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This annual campaign isn't just about wearing a pink ribbon; it’s a stark reminder of the importance of regular breast cancer screenings and promoting the empowerment of women to prioritize their health. Breast cancer...

Understanding Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Understanding Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The terms 'heart attack' and 'sudden cardiac arrest' (SCA) are often used interchangeably, but they are distinctly different medical emergencies. While both concern the heart, their causes, symptoms, and necessary responses can vary significantly. Being informed about...

The Power of Breathing Exercises

The Power of Breathing Exercises

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often overlook the most basic, cost-free, and universally accessible self-care practice: breathing exercises. This age-old technique, anchored in the rhythm of our breath, offers a variety of health benefits, from combating...

Volume 8, Issue 9

Move More, Sit Less, and Age Gracefully

Move More, Sit Less, and Age Gracefully

Did you know September is Healthy Aging Month, a time to reflect on the importance of maintaining our health and well-being as we advance in years. The philosophy of aging has transformed over the years. The new mantra is clear: age is not a barrier, but rather a...

Tis the Season for Staying Updated with Vaccinations

Tis the Season for Staying Updated with Vaccinations

Well, it’s here: the onset of cold and flu season. In an environment where we’re all acutely aware of the impact of infectious diseases, the significance of staying up-to-date with vaccinations is paramount. Seasonal flu, while often considered a mild inconvenience,...

Men, Don’t Put Off That Screening

Men, Don’t Put Off That Screening

In the world of health and wellness, there's an unfortunate tendency that's hard to ignore: men sometimes delay or even skip regular health screenings. Whether due to perceived invincibility, fear of diagnosis, or simple neglect, the repercussions of this oversight...

Volume 8, Issue 8

All Eyes are on YOU in August

All Eyes are on YOU in August

August is a pivotal month for eye health. Designated as both National Eye Exam Month and National Child Eye Health and Safety Month, August emphasizes the significance of eye care and the need for regular check-ups. But why such a focus on eyes this month? The eyes,...

It’s Too Darn Hot!

It’s Too Darn Hot!

Summer reminds us of sun-soaked days and beach escapes. However, high temperatures can affect our health. To stay safe and healthy throughout the summer season, consider the potential health implications below. 1. Dehydration: As the temperature climbs, our bodies...

Are Weight Management Drugs Right for You?

Are Weight Management Drugs Right for You?

One medication that seems to be on everyone's lips lately is Ozempic, particularly among those exploring options for weight management. As the FDA evaluates an increasing number of weight management medications, it's crucial to determine if they're the right choice...

Volume 8, Issue 7

Get Active for Arthritis

Get Active for Arthritis

Arthritis can often lead to reduced physical activity, creating a cycle where the condition worsens. However, by utilizing the summer months to establish an active lifestyle, in addition to working closely with your doctor, you...

Volume 8, Issue 6

Men, Don’t Put Off That Exam

Men, Don’t Put Off That Exam

When it comes to maintaining their health, men sometimes overlook regular check-ups and exams. Whether it's due to busy schedules, fear of medical procedures, or a mindset that emphasizes toughness over self-care, some men may find themselves neglecting preventive...

It’s Cataract Awareness Month

It’s Cataract Awareness Month

Every June, we observe Cataract Awareness Month to shed light on one of the most common age-related eye conditions: cataracts. Cataracts affect millions of people worldwide, causing vision impairment and impacting daily activities. By raising awareness about...

Benefits of Eating Fresh and Locally

Benefits of Eating Fresh and Locally

As the summer season unfolds, farmer's markets across the county are reopening their stalls, offering an abundance of fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruits. These markets provide an excellent opportunity to support local farmers, embrace sustainable food...

Volume 8, Issue 5

Empowering Women to Prioritize Health

Empowering Women to Prioritize Health

Did you know May is Women's Health Month? This month serves as a reminder that healthcare is an essential form of self-care, and that your healthcare team here at Horizon Family Medical Group stands ready to help you take a proactive approach to your health and...

Remember Your Sun Protection

Remember Your Sun Protection

As we enter the warmer, sunnier months, many of us will embrace the great outdoors. The sunshine offers numerous benefits, from boosting our mood to providing us with much-needed vitamin D. However, as we enjoy the sun's rays, it’s crucial we remember sun protection....

Act FAST to Treat a Stroke

Act FAST to Treat a Stroke

Stroke is a serious medical condition that can strike unexpectedly, often without warning. By understanding stroke risks, recognizing its signs and symptoms, and taking prompt action, we can save lives and minimize the long-term effects of this devastating condition....

Volume 8, Issue 4

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

Did you know April is National Alcohol Awareness Month? It’s a great time to talk about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and how to use alcohol responsibly. Most of us already know that heavy alcohol consumption can damage the liver. What some folks may...

Beware Triglycerides

Beware Triglycerides

Triglycerides are a type of fat that the body stores in fat cells and uses for energy. When we eat, our bodies convert any calories we don't need into triglycerides, which are then stored in our fat cells. When the body needs energy, it releases triglycerides into the...

Low-Impact Exercise Makes a Big Impact

Low-Impact Exercise Makes a Big Impact

Low-impact exercise is a great way to improve our overall health and fitness without putting too much strain on our joints and muscles. This type of exercise is particularly beneficial for individuals with arthritis, osteoporosis, or other conditions that make...

Volume 8, Issue 3

Colorectal cancer awareness

Colorectal cancer awareness

Did you know that nearly 150,000 people are diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer in the US every year? And that according to the American Cancer Society, men have a 1 in 23 chance of developing colorectal cancer in their lifetimes? (The odds are 1 in 26 for women.)...

Need help staying resolved?

Need help staying resolved?

As we conclude the first quarter of 2023, it's a good time to reflect on the resolutions we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. If you made a commitment to improving your health this year, but find yourself struggling to stay resolved, don't worry, you're...

Nutrition tips that’ll make you smile

Nutrition tips that’ll make you smile

March is National Nutrition Month, and it's the perfect time to focus on the importance of healthy and balanced eating. A nutritious diet plays a vital role in maintaining good health, and it can impact everything from weight management to the prevention of chronic...

Volume 8, Issue 2

Hypertension is the Silent Killer

Hypertension is the Silent Killer

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a serious medical condition that can lead to numerous health complications. Unfortunately, many people are unaware they have high blood pressure until they suddenly experience a medical emergency. Hypertension...

Save Your Vision Before It’s Gone

Save Your Vision Before It’s Gone

Low vision is a condition where a person's eyesight is impaired but cannot be fully corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. This can obviously have a significantly impact on a person's quality of life, making everyday activities such as reading, driving,...

Is High Cholesterol Really That Bad?

Is High Cholesterol Really That Bad?

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in the blood. It’s not all bad. In fact, your body needs some kinds of cholesterol. The problem, though, with having high levels of cholesterol in the blood is the potential increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Understanding...

Volume 8, Issue 1

Start The Year with Healthy Habits

Start The Year with Healthy Habits

Healthy habits are an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Many of us start the new year off with new resolutions to improve our health. We might want to lose weight, eat better, and incorporate a little more exercise into our weekly routine. But...

Blood Donors Needed, Especially Now

Blood Donors Needed, Especially Now

Now is a great time to give blood. Blood donation is a simple yet powerful act of kindness that can literally save lives and make a real difference in our community. As our communities are still recovering from the last few years of pandemic, the need for blood...

See Yourself with Healthy Eyes

See Yourself with Healthy Eyes

The beginning of the year is a great time to schedule an eye exam and get your glaucoma checked. Glaucoma includes a group of eye diseases that can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss and blindness. It is sometimes called the "silent thief" because glaucoma...

Volume 7, Issue 12

Helping Hands with FindHelp.com

Helping Hands with FindHelp.com

At Horizon Family Medical Group, we understand that caring for our patients goes well beyond the office visit. That's why we have partnered with FindHelp.com to provide our patients with easy access to thousands of free and low-cost services in our area and beyond....

Schedule Your End-of-Year Checkup

Schedule Your End-of-Year Checkup

As the end of the year approaches, it's a good time to think about getting caught up on any overdue medical exams or tests. These check-ups and tests can help identify any potential health issues and allow you to address them before they become more serious. One...

Get Your Flu Shot ASAP

Get Your Flu Shot ASAP

Flu season is upon us, and it's more important than ever to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the flu. One of the most effective ways to do this is by getting a flu vaccine. Flu vaccines help the body's immune system to produce antibodies that...

Volume 7, Issue 11

Finding Solutions for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Finding Solutions for Seasonal Affective Disorder

The winter months can be a difficult time of year for many people. The shorter days, colder temperatures, and lack of sunlight can leave some feeling down or even depressed. But seasonal affective disorder (SAD) doesn't have to take control of your life. With the...

Volume 7, Issue 10

How to reduce your risk of breast cancer

How to reduce your risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer occurs is a type of cancer that forms in the tissues of the breast. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “each year in the United States, about 264,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women and about 2,400 in men....

5 ways to stay active in the winter

5 ways to stay active in the winter

The winter can be a tough time to stay active. The cold weather and shorter days make it harder to get outside and exercise. But there are plenty of ways to stay active even when it's cold out. Here are five tips for staying active in the winter: 1. Layer up One of...

It’s flu shot season – get vaccinated today!

It’s flu shot season – get vaccinated today!

The CDC says “the best way to reduce your risk from seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated every year.” Seasonal flu activity can begin as early as October and continue through May. Getting vaccinated is a yearly ritual for many...

Volume 7, Issue 9

Break Addiction During National Recovery Month

Break Addiction During National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month is an annual observance where we celebrate the progress in addiction treatment and recovery. It is a time for all of us to come together and raise awareness about the importance of addiction treatment and recovery services, and to celebrate...

Volume 7, Issue 8

Hello Convenience and Goodbye Readers!

Hello Convenience and Goodbye Readers!

If you’ve lost the crisp, clear vision you enjoyed in your younger days, you may be tempted to think you’ll spend the rest of your days dependent on reading glasses to see things like menus, books, food labels, your phone texts and even the remote. Well, think again!...

As Summer Ends, Watch Out for Heat Stroke

As Summer Ends, Watch Out for Heat Stroke

Heat stroke occurs when your core body temperature rises above the normal range. This can be caused by exposure to high temperatures, or by physical exertion in hot weather. Symptoms of heat stroke can include any of the following:...

Volume 7, Issue 7

Vaccines: Your Best Defense Against Disease

Vaccines: Your Best Defense Against Disease

It’s Immunization Awareness Month, which means it’s a great time to spread the word about the importance of vaccines for adults! Did you know that vaccines are one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from dangerous diseases? Immunizations help your...

What is Low T and What Can You Do About It?

What is Low T and What Can You Do About It?

As men age, it is common for their testosterone levels to decline. This condition is known as "low T." Low testosterone levels can cause a range of symptoms, such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass and bone density, and moodiness....

Volume 7, Issue 6

Men and Mental Health: Breaking Down the Barriers

Men and Mental Health: Breaking Down the Barriers

Men can sometimes find it difficult to talk about their mental health. Mental health may be seen as a taboo topic. Unfortunately, this can lead to mental health problems going undiagnosed and untreated. It's important to break down the barriers that stop men from...

Why Men Should Make Healthy Eating a Priority

Why Men Should Make Healthy Eating a Priority

Healthy eating is key to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. A healthy diet can also improve energy levels, reduce stress levels, and promote overall good health. Here are some...

Volume 7, Issue 5

The Importance of Eye Exams and Vision Screenings

The Importance of Eye Exams and Vision Screenings

National Vision Month is a great time to promote the importance of regular eye exams and vision screenings! Did you know that many eye conditions go unnoticed until people have lost a significant amount of vision? That's why it's so important to get your eyes checked...

Introducing Our New Facebook Campaign

Introducing Our New Facebook Campaign

Here at Horizon Family Medical Group, we’re always striving to provide the best care for you and your family. To help spread the word, we’ve introduced a new Facebook ad campaign. Take a look at the ad carousel below:

Volume 7, Issue 4

Spring has sprung! So have seasonal allergies.

Spring has sprung! So have seasonal allergies.

Spring has sprung! And with it comes seasonal allergies. Though commonly diagnosed in youth, an increasing number of adults develop seasonal allergies. Our providers and specialists here at Horizon Family Medical Group can help diagnose seasonal, food, and many other...

Volume 7, Issue 3

Volume 7, Issue 2

It’s National Cancer Prevention Month

It’s National Cancer Prevention Month

February is National Cancer Prevention month and a great time to remind your loved ones of the things they can do to help lower the risks of getting many of the common types of cancer. Below is a list of things you can do to increase your odds of preventing or...

High Blood Pressure is a Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure is a Silent Killer

As blood circulates through your body, it pushes against the walls of your arteries. When the pressure of this pushing rises and maintains a high pressure, it’s called hypertension. Uncontrolled hypertension puts you at a higher risk for heart disease and stroke. The...

Volume 7, Issue 1

Time to Get Your Eyes Checked

Time to Get Your Eyes Checked

January is Glaucoma awareness month. If you’ve been putting off your annual eye exam due to COVID, now is the time to see your ophthalmologist. Glaucoma, a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve, is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and 3 million...

It’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

It’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer deaths in American women? The implementation of the pap test, or pap smears, in 1941 changed that. Cervical cancer is highly preventable and treatable with regular screenings and early...

Volume 6, Issue 7

Help is on the Horizon

Help is on the Horizon

If you or someone you know is struggling this holiday season it can be difficult to know where to turn for assistance. But good news: We have a resource that can help. Whether you are looking for toys and gifts for a family in need, finding emergency shelter or...

Tips for a Safe (and Healthy) Holiday Season

Tips for a Safe (and Healthy) Holiday Season

Last year, COVID-19 prompted restrictions on large gatherings and a slower holiday travel season than normal. But this year, with vaccinations and boosters in place, many are resuming their typical holiday plans. If you're gathering with family nearby, taking a few...

Volume 6, Issue 6

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that Lung Cancer is the #1 cancer killer of men and women? Every year 200,000 men and women are diagnosed with Lung Cancer and each year 150,000 people die from this disease. African American men have the highest rates of Lung Cancer in the U.S. Lung...

Tips for Healthy Holiday Gatherings

Tips for Healthy Holiday Gatherings

The holidays are here and that means the next six weeks will be filled with lots of family gatherings, holiday parties, treats galore, and a more frantic-than-usual schedule. We have some tips to help you stay in tiptop shape this holiday season. Drink Enough Water...

Keeping Your Diabetes Under Control

Keeping Your Diabetes Under Control

November is American Diabetes Month and if you or a loved one is one of the 34 million Americans with diabetes you know how challenging staying on top of your health can be. During the month of November the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is hosting...

Volume 6, Issue 5

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer for women in the United States? In fact, more than 250,000 women in the US get breast cancer every year. Unfortunately, 42,000 women die from the disease. Every October, we recognize Breast Cancer...

Bone and Joint Health

Bone and Joint Health

Your body has more than 200 bones and joints that help you run, jump, walk, dance, and more. Keeping your bones and joints healthy is important for you to live and experience life fully. Fortunately, we know what you can do to keep your bones and joints in tip-top...

Get Your Flu Shot

Get Your Flu Shot

It’s time for you to schedule an appointment and get your flu shot. Call us at 1-800-859-0085 to schedule an appointment, or use the Patient Portal: https://mycw26.eclinicalweb.com/portal2351/jsp/100mp/login.jsp Do I really need a flu shot? Yes! You may have received...

Volume 6, Issue 4

Get Help to Quit Smoking and Vaping Today

Get Help to Quit Smoking and Vaping Today

We all know smoking is bad for our health. Yet every day, roughly 3,300 kids try a cigarette for the first time, according to the CDC. That’s enough to fill a large cruise ship…every day. The good news is, cigarette use among kids is dropping to the lowest levels seen...

Older than 35? Time for a Diabetes Screening

Older than 35? Time for a Diabetes Screening

The US Preventative Services Task Force says screening for diabetes and prediabetes should now begin at age 35. The new guidelines were created to help adults who are at risk for developing diabetes to implement lifestyle changes earlier and prevent long-term health...

Volume 6, Issue 3

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

As kids prepare to trade days playing outside for days reading, writing, and using computer screens for learning, there is no better time to talk to them about eye health. Scheduling your child’s yearly eye exam as part of your back-to-school preparation is also a...

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen!

With summer winding down and cooler temperatures on the horizon, it can be easy to forget or skip the sunscreen when heading outdoors. But even if the sun doesn’t feel like it’s baking your skin, damage can happen regardless of the temperature or cloud cover. Follow...

Getting Back to Routine Healthcare

Getting Back to Routine Healthcare

If you postponed or missed routine healthcare checks in the past 18 months, you’re not alone. A poll from Time Magazine (https://time.com/5941599/basic-health-care-postponed-covid-19/) found that 78% of Americans had skipped at least one medical service since the...

Volume 6, Issue 2

Why Tick Bites are on the Rise

Why Tick Bites are on the Rise

Tick activity, including tick bites and related illnesses, are on the rise in 2021. Experts say the mild 2020 – 2021 winter is at least partially to blame. Ticks thrive in a humid environment, so areas that experienced a warmer, wetter winter this past season are...

Benefits of a Farm-fresh Diet

Benefits of a Farm-fresh Diet

Farmer’s markets around the country are in full swing with local farmers and artisans selling everything from homemade soaps to fresh vegetables. Orange County is no exception with multiple weekly farmer’s markets in different cities for you to choose from. Aside from...

Get Healthy, Together

Get Healthy, Together

If the pandemic and virtual schooling has meant more screen time than you would like for your kids, then now is the perfect time to get them off the couch and outside. July 19-23 is National Youth Sports week and the perfect time to find a new sport or activity for...

Volume 6, Issue 1

Is 2021 the Worst Year for Seasonal Allergies?

Is 2021 the Worst Year for Seasonal Allergies?

Are your allergies worse than ever this year? Are you experiencing seasonal allergies for the first time? You’re not alone. Many people are reporting worse allergies this year than in previous years and some are even reporting experiencing allergy symptoms for the...

Finding Wellness After a Global Pandemic

Finding Wellness After a Global Pandemic

The forced slowdown brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has given many of us a new perspective on wellness and what that means to each of us. A forced break from many of our normal activities and hectic work schedules helped us see a more balanced lifestyle and the...

Know the Signs of a Stroke

Know the Signs of a Stroke

Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds, and every four minutes, someone dies from a stroke. That means every year nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke. In fact, stroke is the leading cause of serious long-term disability. Those numbers...

Volume 5, Issue 4

Coronavirus Isn’t the Only Danger Out There

Coronavirus Isn’t the Only Danger Out There

If you’ve watched the news in the last four months, you know most of it is dominated by news about COVID-19. From death rates to case numbers to long-term side effects, there is no shortage of news about how deadly the virus can be. But what about other causes of...

Chronic Conditions Still Need Your Attention

Chronic Conditions Still Need Your Attention

With all that is going on in the world it can be easy to focus on staying safe during the Coronavirus pandemic, but if you have chronic conditions it’s as important as ever to stay on top of your health. COVID-19 and Chronic Conditions As a person with asthma, I have...

Does Reopening Make You Excited…Or Nervous?

Does Reopening Make You Excited…Or Nervous?

After months of some sort of isolation or quarantine, I think it is safe to say we are all ready to get back to some sort of normal life, but what does that look like? Friends of mine have expressed concern about returning to a normal life out of fear of getting...

Volume 5, Issue 3

Volume 5, Issue 2

Volume 5, Issue 1

Media Detox and the Benefits of Boredom

Media Detox and the Benefits of Boredom

A friend of mine recently asked me, “When was the last time you were bored? You know, when was the last time you waited—in a line, or at the dentist’s office, or whatever—and you didn’t pull out your phone?” I couldn’t think of a time. And it got me thinking. I’d...

Is Standing Really Better Than Sitting?

Is Standing Really Better Than Sitting?

Several of my coworkers have desk systems that allow them to adjust the height of their workspace. They can lower and sit while working, or they can raise and stand. In fact, one of my coworkers even has a fancy treadmill desk where she can walk and work at the same...

Will Drinking More Water Prevent Dry Winter Skin?

Will Drinking More Water Prevent Dry Winter Skin?

This one’s a myth, folks. Drinking lots of water is good to keep you hydrated and for your overall health, but it probably won’t do much to help that dry winter skin. Fortunately, we know what you can do to stave off dry winter skin. Here are a few suggestions: Talk...

Volume 4, Issue 10

Amazing Holiday Recipes

Amazing Holiday Recipes

One of the best parts of the holiday season is gathering with friends and family and eating great food. It seems everyone has a favorite family recipe, some of which go back generations. To get your creative kitchen up and running this season, we’re linking to a few...

Reduce Holiday Stress with Meditation

Reduce Holiday Stress with Meditation

The holidays are here. Along with the fun, happy times together with friends and family comes the stress of the season. To make all of our holiday seasons more enjoyable, we’re focusing this month on the health benefits of meditation. What is meditation? According to...

Body Image: How to Feel Good About Your Body

Body Image: How to Feel Good About Your Body

If you’re like many of us, at some point, you’ve wanted to change something about your body. How you think and feel about your body, and how you think you look to others, makes up your unique body image. In some cases, having a negative body image can affect your...

Volume 4, Issue 9

Health Effects of Daylight Savings

Health Effects of Daylight Savings

Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 3 this year. Did you know it can take your body (your circadian rhythm) about a week to get used to the new schedule? In the meantime, here are several things you can do to help ease the transition: Adjust bedtimes Most...

Kindness is Good for Your Health

Kindness is Good for Your Health

The Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible.” He then added, “It is always possible.” In a day and age where we are bombarded by so much vitriol, so much conflict, anger, hate, and oppression, let us remember the often unseen but far-reaching effects of regular...

9 Essential Tips to Help Kids with Career Planning

9 Essential Tips to Help Kids with Career Planning

What do you want to be when you grow up? Some of us know from the get-go exactly what we want to do, who we want to be. Some of us figure it out along the way. Some of us are still figuring it out. As parents, it’s an important question your child faces throughout...

Volume 4, Issue 8

Want to Save a Life? Get Your Preventative Screening

Want to Save a Life? Get Your Preventative Screening

Did you know that, with preventative screening, we can save more than 100,000 lives each year? It’s true. By getting checkups, screenings, and healthcare counseling, we can prevent some illnesses, and catch others before it’s too late. And the best part is, with many...

Stress Less: Easier Said Than Done

Stress Less: Easier Said Than Done

It’s a stressful time of year for many of us. The stress of a new school year, activities, schedules: it’s tough. So, this month, we’re focusing on a few tips and tricks that can help you and your loved ones combat stress together. First, let’s talk about two...

The Cholesterol Reminder

The Cholesterol Reminder

We hear a lot about lowering our cholesterol, but did you know that your body actually needs some type of cholesterol? Maybe you’ve heard of the good cholesterol vs. the bad cholesterol? Here’s the scoop: Cholesterol is used to “make hormones, vitamin D, and...

Volume 4, Issue 7

Why Adults Also Need Vaccines

Why Adults Also Need Vaccines

Did you know that August is National Immunization Awareness Month? Each year, we use this time to remind our patients that kids AND adults should get their recommended vaccines. By getting your vaccines, you can protect not only yourself but also your loved ones from...

What You Should Know About ADHD

What You Should Know About ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to concentrate and control impulsive behaviors. ADHD affects millions of adults as well as children. Although ADHD may manifest in childhood, it can continue through...

Health Benefits from Listening to Music

Health Benefits from Listening to Music

Can listening to music actually make you healthier? According to ongoing research, the answer is: YES! Researchers show that the potential benefits from music can not only improve your mood, reduce stress, and decrease anxiety, but it can also improve memory, ease...

Volume 4, Issue 6

Measles in Orange County, NY

Measles in Orange County, NY

You’ve probably heard that Governor Cuomo “signed legislation removing non-medical exemptions from school vaccination requirements for children” a few weeks ago. This is directly related to the measles outbreak we’re seeing in our state and across the country. In...

How We’re Communicating with You

How We’re Communicating with You

We all know communication in health care is of vital importance. The right information at the right time can make a huge difference. And coordinating your care makes a big difference for all of us here at Horizon Family Medical Group. That’s why we are using a texting...

Volume 4, Issue 5

Help us promote National Aphasia Awareness Month

Help us promote National Aphasia Awareness Month

Did you know June is National Aphasia Awareness Month? Aphasia is a language disorder that makes it difficult for people to communicate. For example, people sometimes develop aphasia after a stroke. The National Aphasia Association has a helpful video that explains...

Beware the summer slide

Beware the summer slide

Summer vacation is upon us! Remember how glorious it was to walk out of those school halls and into a summer of fun and adventure? It’s a magical season in the world of kids. But that doesn’t mean they have to put down all the books and take the summer off. In fact, a...

Tips for safe and healthy summer vacations

Tips for safe and healthy summer vacations

Take time this summer to get outdoors and enjoy a vacation. Not only is it good for your mental and physical health, but its also a great time to make new memories with your loved ones. By doing a little planning, you can stay safe and enjoy your vacation to the...

Volume 4, Issue 4

Get Your Eye Exam in May

Get Your Eye Exam in May

Did you know that May is Healthy Vision Month? It’s a perfect time to ensure you and your loved ones get an annual eye checkup. Taking time now to keep your eyes healthy and safe can save you from big vision problems in the future. Here at Horizon Family Medical...

BBQ Safety

BBQ Safety

We may be clear from the winter storms and the snowy vortex we saw during those colder months in the year. Flowers are blooming, the sun is out, and BBQ season is upon us. What a great time of year to gather with friends and family and share a meal in the warm sun. As...

Celebrate Mother’s Day the Healthy Way

Celebrate Mother’s Day the Healthy Way

Moms are the best! They always do so much for us, isn’t it about time we do for them? This Mother’s Day, go above and beyond and have a healthy and happy holiday. Here are a few tips you may want to consider: Plan a healthy, delicious brunch Offer lots of fruits,...

Volume 4, Issue 3

Spread Hope with Autism Awareness Month

Spread Hope with Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. It’s the perfect time to talk with your friends and family about joining millions across the country in supporting people living with autism. What is autism? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), includes a range of conditions...

How to Overcome Springtime Allergies

How to Overcome Springtime Allergies

Springtime is finally here (hopefully), and with it: allergy season. If you’re an allergy sufferer, you’re not alone. About 8% of people in the U.S. are right there with you experiencing hay fever—or allergic rhinitis—each year. [1] The good news is, you can take...

5 Spring Health Benefits

5 Spring Health Benefits

Springtime is a great time to improve your health. As the sun returns and the weather warms, you can take advantage of the season and love the healthier you. Here are just a few reasons why you should love the spring season More Vitamin D Longer days not only chase...

Volume 4, Issue 2

Make Time for Colon Cancer Screening

Make Time for Colon Cancer Screening

For those of us age 50 and older, regular colon cancer screening is the key to catching and often preventing colorectal cancer. If you have certain risk factors or family history of colon cancer, your physician here at Horizon Family Medical Group may recommend...

Improving Your Heart Health

Improving Your Heart Health

Did you know that 25 percent of deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease? Or that one out of three people in this country have high blood cholesterol? Heart disease is, in fact, the leading cause of death in men and women, but we can take steps to...

Preventing Seniors from Winter Slips and Falls

Preventing Seniors from Winter Slips and Falls

Cold and icy conditions can make slips and falls more common during the winter months. And for older adults, the results could be life-threatening. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 28,000 older adults died due to injuries from...

Volume 4, Issue 1

Help with Prescription Drug Costs

Help with Prescription Drug Costs

Prescription drug costs continue to rise in the U.S., making them unaffordable for some patients. According to National Public Radio (NPR), “brand-name oral prescription drugs rose more than 9 percent a year from 2008 and 2016, while the annual cost of injectable...

Get Weekly New York State Flu Stats

Get Weekly New York State Flu Stats

It’s not too late to get a flu shot. Did you know the flu is still around and in force? And did you know you can track the flu activity across the country and here in New York? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish a weekly “Influenza...

Staying Warm in the Vortex

Staying Warm in the Vortex

We’re finally seeing some relief from the record-breaking temperatures across much of the Midwest and Northeast. And even though our old friend, Punxsutawney Phil, predicts spring will come early this year, we’re not out of the woods yet. Our average annual...

Volume 3, Issue 10

How to Eat Healthy This Holiday Season

How to Eat Healthy This Holiday Season

The holidays are here. Gathering with friends and families means lots of holiday snacks and goodies. But how can you maintain a healthy diet when gastronomic temptation lurks behind every party tray? This month, we’re highlighting ways to help you stay healthy during...

Overcoming Holiday Stress

Overcoming Holiday Stress

If this is the happiest season of all, then why do we sometimes feel so stressed out? We all have errands to run, gifts to buy, events to attend, goodies to bake, and no matter what we do, sometimes it feels like we’re drowning in a pool of hustle and bustle....

Volume 3, Issue 9

4 Food Allergy Trick-or-Treating Tips

4 Food Allergy Trick-or-Treating Tips

According to Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), 5.9 million children in the U.S. have some type of food allergy. [1] That means, about 1 out of every 13 trick-or-treaters visiting your house this Halloween might have a food allergy. With this in mind, we...

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Autumn is winding down and winter is just around the corner. It’s a perfect time to talk with the older adults in your life about staying safe and healthy during the cold winter season. Or, if you’re a senior, here are some helpful tips that might just save your life,...

Save a Little Energy, Save the Planet

Save a Little Energy, Save the Planet

We all want to do our part to help the planet. During the winter months, however, we might find ourselves using more energy to keep our homes warm and safe. And as we mentioned in the article on Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors this month, you don’t want to make...

Volume 3, Issue 8

The Flu Killed 80,000 People Last Year

The Flu Killed 80,000 People Last Year

It’s time to get your flu shot. Call today to make an appointment and ensure you’re as protected as possible during the upcoming cold and flu season. Call: 1-800-859-0085 The flu is deadly Last year, roughly 80,000 people “died of the flu and its complications,”...

Guess How Many Kids are Obese

Guess How Many Kids are Obese

There’s no way to sugar coat it: More and more of our kids are overweight. In fact, obesity rates among kids and teens has tripled since the 1970s. [1] Now, nearly 20 percent of our kids are overweight, though that number may be higher in different parts of the...

How Clean is Our Drinking Water?

How Clean is Our Drinking Water?

We sometimes take for granted that we can turn on our tap and immediately get a glass of clean water. But have you ever asked, how clean is my drinking water where I live? That was the question that prompted us to take a closer look; to find information that we could...

Volume 3, Issue 7

How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

Time again to start packing those school lunches. So, this month, we’re focusing on how we can ensure our kids’ lunches are healthy AND environmentally friendly. Quick Fact Did you know that each of us, on average, creates about 4.5 lbs. or trash every day? [1] How to...

It’s Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

It’s Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

As our kids head back to the classroom, it’s time to get everything they need to be successful during the school year. In addition to new backpacks, clothes, and school supplies, it’s also a good time to make an appointment at Horizon Family Medical Group for an eye...

Is That Psoriasis?

Is That Psoriasis?

Did you know August is Psoriasis Awareness Month? It’s the perfect time to help raise awareness of this autoimmune disease that affects 7.5 million Americans. [1] What exactly is psoriasis? Psoriasis can cause your skin to appear thick, red, and scaly. These patches...

Volume 3, Issue 6

Dangers of Heat Stroke You Might Miss

Dangers of Heat Stroke You Might Miss

Heatstroke can quickly turn a fun summer day into a medical emergency. Each year, hundreds of people die from heat-related causes. [1] Knowing the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke can help you keep your loved ones from potentially dire health...

Close Your Drapes and Save a Bundle this Summer

Close Your Drapes and Save a Bundle this Summer

Summer is in full swing. As the temperature rises, so too does the air conditioning bill. But with some smart window covering management, you can save on energy costs and cool your home. According to Energy.gov, “about 30% of a home's heating energy is lost through...

The Best Treatments for Insect Stings

The Best Treatments for Insect Stings

Insect bites or stings during the summer months are often an inevitable side effect of spending time outdoors. Here at Horizon Family Medical Group, we wanted to share a few quick treatment ideas for those inevitable bug bites and stings this summer. Before we get...

Volume 3, Issue 5

Tips for Firework Safety

Tips for Firework Safety

Summer is finally here. For many of us, fireworks are as much a part of summer as BBQs and days at the pool. Unfortunately, every year, thousands of people see their fun summer evening turn dangerous because of the improper or unsafe use of fireworks. According to the...

June is Cataract Awareness Month

June is Cataract Awareness Month

Did you know that June is Cataract Awareness Month? More than 24 million people are living with cataracts in the US alone. That’s more than the entire populations of New York and Connecticut, combined. [1,2] Left untreated, cataracts can cause blindness—it’s the...

Go Green This Summer

Go Green This Summer

Summer is a great time to get outside with friends and family and enjoy the wonderful weather. It’s also a wonderful time to go green. This summer, we at Horizon Family Medical Group encourage you to make a commitment to go green by making tiny changes that can add up...

April 2018 News

When to Screen for Skin Cancer

When to Screen for Skin Cancer

Did you know May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month? Join us at Horizon Family Medical Group in sharing this article with friends and family to encourage early screening and sun safety. Call for your appointment today: Dr. Hank A. Greenblatt (845) 561-1565 WHO GETS SKIN...

It’s Asthma and Allergy Season

It’s Asthma and Allergy Season

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. It’s a great time to help raise awareness for the 24.5 million people in the U.S. who have asthma and the 50 million people who experience allergies. If you or someone you know has asthma or allergies, please...

March 2018 News

How Much Is One Drink?

How Much Is One Drink?

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. It’s a perfect time to talk to your friends and family about responsible alcohol use. Join us at Horizon Family Medical Group in spreading the word throughout the month. Alcohol-related facts According to the Centers for Disease...

Women Are More Likely to Develop Eye Problems?

Women Are More Likely to Develop Eye Problems?

Did you know that women are more likely than men to develop eye and vision problems? Or that 66 percent of people who are blind are women? [1] That’s why we at Horizon Family Medical Group want you to help us spread the word in April about Women’s Eye Health and...

More People Drive Distracted Than Drunk

More People Drive Distracted Than Drunk

You may be surprised to learn that more than 40,000 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes last year. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), “the three biggest causes of fatalities on the road are alcohol, speeding, and distracted driving.” [1] That’s...

February 2018 News

It’s National Nutrition Month

It’s National Nutrition Month

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? It’s a great time to take a closer look at your family’s eating habits and, if needed, make a few adjustments. Making just a few changes to your daily diet can have long-term health benefits by lowering your risk...

How Much Is Enough Sleep?

How Much Is Enough Sleep?

Almost a third of Americans aren’t getting enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [1] It is a startling statistic when you realize every third car on the road is being driven by someone who’s tired. Not only does lack of sleep...

Let’s Celebrate World Kidney Day

Let’s Celebrate World Kidney Day

Behind the scenes, your kidneys are quietly filtering 200 liters of blood each and every day. Many of us don’t even think about the work the kidneys are doing, but for the nearly 600,000 people in the U.S. who have kidney failure, kidney function is a daily concern....

January 2018 News

You May Have Glaucoma and Not Know It

You May Have Glaucoma and Not Know It

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month and a great time to discuss your eye health. It’s a sobering statistic: Nearly half of the people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. [1] Glaucoma is a disease that damages your optic nerve and can eventually lead to...

It’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

It’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

January 22-28 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. It’s the perfect time to talk with your teens about the facts and myths surrounding drug and alcohol use. In 2010, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) began an effort to help teens “learn what science has...

December 2017 News

Christmas Tree Fire Safety

Christmas Tree Fire Safety

A Christmas tree is one of the enduring symbols of the holiday. But if you fail to keep your fresh tree watered, disaster can strike. A dry tree can quickly turn a happy holiday into a tragic moment. Though Christmas tree fires are relatively uncommon, they can become...

Planning for a Healthy 2018

Planning for a Healthy 2018

2018 will be here before we know it. And although we still have a few holidays to get through before we ring in the New Year, it’s never too early to start thinking about your health in 2018. Below are a few tips and ideas to consider as you’re getting ready for a...

When To Get An Annual Checkup

When To Get An Annual Checkup

If you haven’t had an annual checkup this year, hurry and make an appointment. And if you already had your checkup, schedule your January 2018 appointment now. Getting annual exams can often help us find problems, or potential problems, long before they start. Early...

November 2017 News

Avoiding Turkey Fryer Disasters

Avoiding Turkey Fryer Disasters

Did you know that kitchen fires are 3 times more likely on Thanksgiving Day than on other days, or that turkey fryer accidents have resulted in more than $8 million in property damage since 2002? [1,2] Before you invite family and friends over to break bread and share...

Avoid the Gift of Food Poisoning This Holiday Season

Avoid the Gift of Food Poisoning This Holiday Season

For many of us, the holidays mean getting together with friends and family and sitting down to a great meal. But all that great food comes with food preparation, and then getting the food to grandma’s house. Poor food handling, preparation, and transfer can cause food...

How to Avoid Overeating This Holiday Season

How to Avoid Overeating This Holiday Season

Candied yams. Turkey gravy. Grandma’s famous pecan pie. You’ve been looking forward to it all year. And if you’re like many of us, it’s hard not to overindulge. It’s tough when the holidays are a time where such great food surrounds so many of our gatherings. And...

October 2017 News

Winter Safety: Your Car

Winter Safety: Your Car

Winter is just around the corner. Soon, the leaves will be gone and the snow will be here. With plunging temperatures, we’re focusing this month on winter safety tips, starting with your car. Because we live in an area that gets a lot of snow and cold temperatures,...

Winter Safety: Your Home

Winter Safety: Your Home

Get your home ready for the winter months today. Taking a few precautions, and getting things checked and ready now, could save you and your family from a life-threatening situation. Get your furnace ready Don’t wait until the snow is falling to get your furnace...

Winter Safety: Outdoors

Winter Safety: Outdoors

For many of us, getting outside and enjoying the winter weather is part of the seasonal fun. It’s a perfect time to build a snowman, hit the slopes, find a good sledding hill, or strap on the old ice skates. We just want to ensure you stay healthy and safe as you...

September 2017 News

Is It a Concussion?

Is It a Concussion?

September is a month full of sports. Football, baseball, and soccer are in full swing. Playing sports is a great way for kids to learn the value of teamwork, but injuries can occur. This month, we’re focusing on concussions. While we can’t always prevent injuries, we...

Time for Flu Shots

Time for Flu Shots

Influenza, or the flu, is a respiratory illness that affects your lungs, throat, and nose in a much more severe way than a common cold. In fact, the flu is responsible for thousands of hospital visits and admissions every year. The flu can even lead to death in some...

Prepare for Fire and Carbon Monoxide Safety

Prepare for Fire and Carbon Monoxide Safety

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? This month is a great time to plan and identify ways to stay safe from fire and carbon monoxide. Unfortunately, more than 150 people die each year from “accidental nonfire-related carbon monoxide poisoning.”...

August 2017 News

Lawn Mowing Safety: No Flip-flops

Lawn Mowing Safety: No Flip-flops

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, nearly 80,000 people go to the emergency room each year due to lawn mower injuries. [1] Children make up about 16,000 of those visits. [2] Lawn mowing safety tips Here are some tips for ensuring you and your loved...

Back to School and Bullying

Back to School and Bullying

Like it or not, school is starting. Kids are meeting new teachers, navigating new classrooms, and meeting new friends. Although lots of kids have good experiences at school, those experiences can sour when bullying occurs. According to stopbullying.gov, almost 30% of...

Summer Food Safety: Was It the Potato Salad?

Summer Food Safety: Was It the Potato Salad?

We know we only have a few more weeks left of summer BBQs, but with Labor Day just around the corner, we wanted to include an article this month on food safety tips to ensure those last evenings out with the grill are safe and fun. Here are a few tips from the Food...

July 2017 News

Like An Oven Out There: Summer Heat Safety

Like An Oven Out There: Summer Heat Safety

Summer fun can turn dangerous, or even deadly, if you become overheated. Did you know that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 618 Americans are “killed by extreme heat every year”? [1] As temperatures rise, so too must our...

Water Safety and Drowning Prevention

Water Safety and Drowning Prevention

For many of us, nothing sounds better than a dip in the water on a hot summer day. Here at Horizon Family Medical Group, we want to encourage you to have fun and be safe in the pool, at the beach, or by the lake. Knowing a few important water safety tips will make...

Bike Safety Tips and Routes

Bike Safety Tips and Routes

Have you ever noticed the smile on a child’s face who’s running out the door for a bike ride? Riding bikes, whether together with your friends or family or on your own, is a great way to stay in shape and have fun. But as we all know, bicycles can be dangerous if...

June 2017 News

Please Don’t Text and Drive

Please Don’t Text and Drive

Please stop texting and driving. We all know it’s dangerous to drive distracted, but did you know that 26% of all car crashes in 2014 involved someone using a cell phone? [1] According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car crashes from distracted...

What Do You Know About UV Safety?

What Do You Know About UV Safety?

In our May newsletter, we covered Skin Cancer Awareness month. In that article, we talked about sun safety and the importance of using a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen to prevent sun damage to your skin. But what exactly are UVA and UVB, and how does it damage my...

Your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit is Free

Your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit is Free

Did you know that as a Medicare beneficiary, you’re entitled to an annual wellness visit once a year at no charge? The wellness visit is a perfect time to sit down with your doctor here at Horizon Family Medical Group and discuss your plan for preventative health care...

May 2017 News

What You Should Know About Hypertension

What You Should Know About Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when the force of the blood pumping through your body is too strong. When this happens, the pressure pushes against the walls of your arteries and causes damage. This damage can eventually lead to heart disease. Because...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know that May is mental health awareness month? Nearly 20% of Americans experience mental illness each year. [1] That’s more than 43 million people. If you’re not one of those who struggles with mental illness, chances are, you know and love someone who does....

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that May is also skin cancer awareness month? In the United States, 9500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. In fact, 20% of people (1 in 5) will develop skin cancer at some point in their lifetime. Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin...

April 2017 News

Why We Screen for Alcohol

Why We Screen for Alcohol

Did you know that April is Alcohol Awareness Month? Throughout April, we’re building awareness and understanding to reduce the stigma of alcoholism and alcohol-related issues, and to talk about alcohol screenings. Alcohol Statistics Did you know that “an estimated...

It’s Autism Awareness Month

It’s Autism Awareness Month

April is also Autism Awareness Month. It’s a perfect time to help spread awareness of one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the U.S. [1] Autism Facts Autism affects all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups, but occurs more often in boys than in...

Are You an Organ Donor?

Are You an Organ Donor?

April is National Donate Life Month and the perfect time to register for organ donation. If you’re already registered as an organ donor, it’s the perfect time to help us spread the word. Did you know, for example, that a single organ donor can save up to 8 lives? [1]...

March 2017 News

What’s the Likelihood I’ll Develop Testicular Cancer?

What’s the Likelihood I’ll Develop Testicular Cancer?

Good news, men: Testicular cancer is rare. According to the data, about 0.4% of men will get testicular cancer during their lifetime. [1] The American Cancer Society estimates that fewer than 9,000 men in the U.S. will get testicular cancer in 2017, and about 400 will...

Make a Plan to Quit Smoking

Make a Plan to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but we all know by now that we should. Each year, more than 480,000 people die in the U.S. from tobacco use and exposure. [1] According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following health benefits are directly...

What Causes Esophageal Cancer?

What Causes Esophageal Cancer?

Nearly 17,000 people in the U.S. will develop esophageal cancer this year, according to estimates from The American Cancer Society. [1] Sadly, the 5-year survival rate for people with esophageal cancer is about 18.4%. [2] Because esophageal cancer doesn’t always...

February 2017 News

Heart Attack: Warning Signs and Symptoms

Heart Attack: Warning Signs and Symptoms

Nearly 735,000 people experience a heart attack each year in the U.S. That’s about one heart attack every 43 seconds. (1) Some heart attacks can strike with seemingly little to no warning, but sometimes people may experience heart attack warning signs and symptoms....

Stroke: Warning Signs and Symptoms

Stroke: Warning Signs and Symptoms

Nearly 800,000 people experience a stroke each year in the U.S. That’s about one stroke every 40 seconds. (1) Not everyone dies from a stroke, but the physical damage caused by a stroke can be devastating. What are the signs and symptoms of stroke? Knowing the warning...

My Body Needs Cholesterol?

My Body Needs Cholesterol?

Did you know that your body actually needs cholesterol? Cholesterol is used to “make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods.” (1) The body is amazing. It makes all the cholesterol you actually need. But some of the foods we eat also contain...

January 2017 News

Get Screened for Cervical Cancer & HPV

Get Screened for Cervical Cancer & HPV

Did you know that January is national Cervical Health Awareness Month? This month, across the country, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition is raising awareness of cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine that can prevent it. About 13,000 women are diagnosed with...

Get Your Glaucoma Screening

Get Your Glaucoma Screening

January is also Glaucoma Awareness Month. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), about 3 million people in the U.S. have glaucoma, and half of those don’t know it. (1) Glaucoma is a type of eye disease that, over time, causes damage to your optic...

Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit

Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit

January is the perfect time to get your annual wellness visit and be proactive with your healthcare. It’s also a great time to discuss your preventative care plan with your physician for the upcoming year, to ensure you’re both on the same page, and to get...

December 2016 News

Holiday Food Safety

Holiday Food Safety

The holidays are here, and so are the gatherings with friends and family. Sitting around the dinner table is a wonderful tradition, but if food hasn’t been handled correctly, your party guests may develop food poisoning. Not what you want to share during the holidays....

Yoga Helps Fight Holiday Stress

Yoga Helps Fight Holiday Stress

The holidays are a wonderful time, but they can also be stressful. End-of-year work responsibilities, family gatherings, buying presents, fighting crowds…it can all add up, leaving you feeling tired and miserable. But did you know that yoga can help? And not just with...

Top 10 Risks Affecting Women’s Health

Top 10 Risks Affecting Women’s Health

Last month, we focused on the Top 10 Risks Affecting Men’s Health. So this month, we’re focusing on the top 10 health risks women face. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the top 10 leading causes of death in women in the US are from...

November 2016 News

Top 10 Risks Affecting Men’s Health

Top 10 Risks Affecting Men’s Health

Several factors affect men’s health, especially as we age. But did you know you can take action to reduce or prevent many of the health risks men face? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the top 10 leading causes of death in men in the...

What is Psoriasis?

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a type of autoimmune disease where your body’s immune system causes your skin cells to produce too quickly. When this happens, the skin cells start to build up, producing an area of red, scaly, sometimes itchy, skin. Usually, psoriasis affects “the...

Overcoming Childhood Obesity

Overcoming Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity rates are rising at alarming rates. Today, nearly 33% of children and teenagers are overweight. According to the American Heart Association, that’s nearly triple the rate of obesity compared with rates from 1963. Kids are spending more and more time...

October 2016 News

Reducing Stress Can Save Your Life

Reducing Stress Can Save Your Life

It’s no surprise that stress can affect your health, but you may not be aware of the true toll stress has on your health and happiness. Did you know that stress increases your risk of heart disease by 40%, your risk of heart attack by 25%, and your risk of stroke by 50%…

How to Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking

You know you need to quit. You know the health benefits. You’ve heard that almost half a million people die each year in the US because of smoking. [1] But quitting isn’t easy. You need a plan. Smokefree.gov has a great website where you can get help…

September 2016 News

You Might Have Osteoporosis

You Might Have Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes your bones to become weakened and fragile, and sometimes break. In fact, osteoporosis actually means “porous bones.” Everyone’s bones have tiny, microscopic holes and spaces; but, bones with osteoporosis have larger holes and...

What Exactly is Celiac Disease?

What Exactly is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is a disorder where your body reacts to gluten, a protein found in many types of grains (e.g., wheat, barley, rye). If you have celiac disease, your body’s immune system mounts a response in your small intestine that causes inflammation of the cell...

What are The Signs of a Stroke?

What are The Signs of a Stroke?

Did you know that about 800,000 people experience a stroke every year in the US? A stroke occurs when the blood to the brain is blocked (transient ischemic attack) or when a blood vessel in or near the brain ruptures (hemorrhagic stroke). When a stroke occurs, your...

August 2016 News

Back to School Traffic Safety

Back to School Traffic Safety

As our kids head back to school, we at Horizon Family Medical Group want to remind you to drive safely. Here are a few tips to ensure our kids are safe getting to and from school. DRIVING Don’t pass school buses that are stopped picking up or dropping off kids. You...

Hosting a Healthier BBQ

Hosting a Healthier BBQ

With a few more BBQs left in the summer season, we at Horizon Family Medical Group encourage you to choose healthy options. You have a variety of ways to still plan and serve delicious backyard fare, while focusing on flavorful, low-fat options. Here are a few...

What to Do About Asthma

What to Do About Asthma

Asthma is a condition where your airway becomes restricted due to inflammation in your lungs, making it harder to breathe. If you don’t have asthma yourself, you probably know someone who does. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 11...

July 2016 News

4 Quick Tips for Managing Your Arthritis Symptoms

4 Quick Tips for Managing Your Arthritis Symptoms

If you have arthritis, you’re not alone. An estimated 53 million adults and 300,000 children in the US have some kind of arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, “In New York State alone, there are more than 3.6 million people, including 18,400 children,...

7 Ways to Stay Fit and Safe This Summer

7 Ways to Stay Fit and Safe This Summer

You have all kinds of ways to stay active and enjoy the summer season. We at Horizon Family Medical Group have come up with a few fun ways to stay fit and safe this summer. Go swimming. Warm weather means the pools are open. If you’re one of the lucky ones who has a…

“On average, one person dies every hour due to melanoma—a deadly form of skin cancer.”
-The American Academy of Dermatology

Read more

How to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the US. [1] "On average, one person dies every hour due to melanoma—a deadly form of skin cancer." -The American Academy of Dermatology Sadly, the National...

June 2016 News

Going Green: Find Out How Small Efforts Make a Big Impact

Going Green: Find Out How Small Efforts Make a Big Impact

Now is the time to go green and take care of the Earth. It doesn't always take major lifestyle overhauls. Even small changes can add up, having a massive impact, not only for our own communities, but for the entire planet. Here are some ways you can focus on small...

Raising Healthy Preteens

Raising Healthy Preteens

As a parent, you want your children to be healthy and safe. Helping your child understand and adopt healthy behavior during those preteen years can help set a positive foundation for the upcoming teenage years. This month, we're focusing on 3 areas where you can help...

Raising Awareness About Excessive Alcohol Use

Raising Awareness About Excessive Alcohol Use

We all know that excessive alcohol use can have long-term, detrimental effects on your health. Excessive drinking, including binge drinking, accounts for almost 10% of deaths among adults aged 20-64 years. According to a study published by The Centers for Disease...

May 2016 News

Being An Alert Driver

Being An Alert Driver

Staying alert and avoiding dangerous behaviors while driving can save lives. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people die in car crashes each year in the United States. In 2014, the National Safety Council (NSC) stated that 35,400 individuals were killed, primarily...

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen

The dermatologists here at Horizon Family Medical Group want to remind you that summer is just around the corner. Warm temperatures and sunny days can be fun, but they also come with precautions. A wicked sunburn is a quick way to end your day, your vacation, and your...

Sports Safety: Protecting Your Eyes

Sports Safety: Protecting Your Eyes

Sport-related eye injuries occur to thousands of adults and children every year. Of course, different types of sports and activities come with different risks. The good news is that you can prevent nearly 90% of serious eye injuries by wearing the appropriate...

April 2016 News

How to Stay Safe Around the House

How to Stay Safe Around the House

Did you know that, according to the Home Safety Council (HSC), injuries at home account for almost 20,000 deaths and more than 20 million medical visits each year? (Source: safekids.org) And with spring-cleaning just getting started in many homes, we at Horizon Family...

Get the Facts on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Get the Facts on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects millions of Americans. In fact, nearly 20% of people in the US experience IBS symptoms (source: MayoClinic.org). That’s 1 in 5 who experience cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. For most folks,...

What the World Thinks About Diabetes

What the World Thinks About Diabetes

Each year the World Health Organization (WHO) holds a World Health Day and picks an important theme to highlight. On April 7th, their theme was diabetes and diabetes awareness. (Source: who.int) Did you know that, according to the International Diabetes Federation,...

March 2016 News

Routine Diabetic Eye Exams Can Save Your Sight

Routine Diabetic Eye Exams Can Save Your Sight

Did you know that diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes, and a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults? It is also one of the four leading causes of blindness in the elderly. People with diabetes are also...

What Does Your Plate Look Like?

What Does Your Plate Look Like?

About 33% of adults in the U.S. are obese. And about 17% of kids aged 2 to 19 are obese. That means 1 in 3 adults are at higher risk for hypertension, diabetes, and other health problems. The good news is that, with the help of your family here at Horizon Family...

Why You Need a Colonoscopy

Why You Need a Colonoscopy

Did you know that March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month? And did you know that colorectal cancer is the nation’s second-leading cause of death from cancer for both women and men? The good news is that colorectal cancer can often be treated effectively...

February 2016 News

How Hand Washing Reduces Sick Days

How Hand Washing Reduces Sick Days

Did you know that the average American worker uses more than 10 sick days each year? According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), washing your hands can reduce respiratory illness by more than 16%, and gastrointestinal illness by 31%. Imagine...

When Did You Last Check Your Blood Pressure?

When Did You Last Check Your Blood Pressure?

The blood pressure check has become a staple of the annual physical exam, and for many of your other doctor visits as well. That’s because it’s so important. Elevated blood pressure, or hypertension, can be a sign that your heart is working too hard. Reducing high...

The Secrets to Lowering Your Cholesterol

The Secrets to Lowering Your Cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, you’re not alone. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 73 million adults in the United States have high cholesterol. That’s almost a third of adults in this country. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a...

January 2016 News