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We’re finally seeing some relief from the record-breaking temperatures across much of the Midwest and Northeast. And even though our old friend, Punxsutawney Phil, predicts spring will come early this year, we’re not out of the woods yet. Our average annual temperature in February hovers between 42F and 28F degrees.

Here are a few quick tips that will keep you warm and maybe save you a little on energy costs:

It’s easier to warm yourself than your whole house  

You can put on a sweater or wrap yourself in a blanket to raise your body temperate in a fraction of the time it takes to warm your entire house just a few degrees. It’s sweater weather, embrace it.

Keep your head warm…and the rest of you, too

You may have heard the old adage that you lose most of the heat in your body through your head. Not true. The British Medical Journal [1] and the folks at Snopes.com have debunked this one. But, you do lose heat from exposed skin. So when you head outdoors with your warm coat, pants, and snow boots, don’t forget to add a hat.

Run your ceiling fan

This may seem counterintuitive, but it works. Hot air rises. Run your fan on a low setting to keep the warm air circulating though the room.

Get a smart or programmable thermostat

When you’re away, reduce the heat and save on your heating costs. Set it to rise when you get home. Even a few degrees can mean significant savings. Drop a degree or two and add a sweater. Your wallet might thank you.


  1. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2008/dec/17/medicalresearch-humanbehaviour