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Summer is a great time to get outside with friends and family and enjoy the wonderful weather. It’s also a wonderful time to go green. This summer, we at Horizon Family Medical Group encourage you to make a commitment to go green by making tiny changes that can add up to a big difference.

Here are some green tips to help you and your family make a difference for the planet:

Cut the energy costs.

Adjust your thermostat by just a degree or two. You probably won’t notice much difference, but over the course of the entire summer, that one degree can really add up. If you don’t already have one, you might also want to consider getting a smart-thermostat. During the cooler morning or evening hours, try a ceiling fan rather than the AC. [1]

Go-green BBQs.

An evening out on the deck with friends and family is as “summer” as it gets. To promote green-living, avoid charcoal grills and use gas instead. Use recycled plates, cutlery, and cups…and make sure to recycle waste again when you’re all done. Or use reusable materials and avoid the trash altogether. [2]

Eat local.

Get your vegetables and dinner menu from local growers and producers. It not only ensures your meal is new and fresh, but it also cuts down on the carbon footprint of shipping and associated waste. [3]



  1. http://www.earthshare.org/2008/09/keeping-cool.html
  2. http://www.isustainableearth.com/sustainable-living/sustainable-living-tips-to-keep-your-summer-green
  3. http://www.earthshare.org/2010/08/green-picnic-guide.html